
Military Bearing

Speaking to a Non-Commissioned Superior: Address them by their title. Never respond with 'yeah', 'yep', 'nah', 'uh-uh', or the like. Say, "Yes, Chief," or "No, Senior Chief," when answering a question or "Aye, aye, Petty Officer," when responding to an order. When being tested: "Petty Officer, my Eleventh General Order is ..., Petty Officer." Never say "Sir". That is reserved for commissioned officers only! Assume formality, even in an informal situation with a superior, especially if he is a Chief.

The Salute: The fingers and thumb of the right hand should form a flat plane, keeping in a straight line with a rigid upper arm, and the fingers should touch the corner of the right eye. This keeps the lower arm parallel with the deck. Come to the position of attention when executing. If wearing head cover outdoors, bring the tips of the fingers to the brim of the cover.

Position of Attention: Execute on hearing "shun" of atten-shun". With good posture, always keep eyes straight ahead, fixed on an object if it helps. Heels together, with feet at a 45 degree angle. Arms should be rigid and unmovable with hands closed in a fist, thumbs facing front and placed at the seam (or imaginary seam) of the trousers. Speak only when addressed or when you are commanded to.

Parade Rest: Execute on hearing "rest" of "parade rest" (only from the position of attention). Almost at attention, but left foot comes out shoulder width apart. With hands behind the back, as far up as possible, put the right hand on top (facing out) of the left hand, with fingers extended, like in the salute. The right thumb interlocks with the left thumb. Never talk. Keep eyes straight ahead.

At Ease: Keep your right foot planted and your hands behind your back. Talking and looking around is permitted. You must be called to Attention before you do anything else, even 'Fall Out'.

When Coming on Board: Come to the position of attention, and salute the flag first. Turn sharply and salute the Officer or Petty Officer of the Deck, saying, "your rank, your name, requests permission to come aboard," while holding your ID card up with your left hand.

When Disembarking: From the position of attention, salute the appropriate officer and say, "your rank, your name, requests permission to go ashore," while holding your ID card up with your left hand. Upon return of the salute, face the flag sharply, come to the position of attention and salute.

When Entering an Office: (borrowed from here) Knock three times. Upon hearing 'enter', open the door and take three paces. Stand at attention and sound off: (for example) "Good evening Chief. Your rank, your name, your division # reporting, Chief!" Upon hearing 'report', state your business. When finished, about face, open the door, and request (for example) "Chief, respectfully request permission to carry on, Chief?" Exit when hearing 'carry on'.